Welcome to my first blog post! I have been contemplating starting a blog for a while, and I finally decided to take the time and actually do it. I have a lot of life updates and fun things to talk about, so I will get right into it.
My first major life update and the inspiration behind this blog is... I am pregnant!!! Surprise! I am actually 6 months pregnant, my due date is 11/11/11! The past six months have flown by, and I cannot believe how much my life has already changed. Since this is my first entry of a blog that will mostly be about becoming a mom, I thought it would be appropriate to start off by recapping the day I found out I was pregnant and the major events that have since followed.
The Day I Found Out: A lot of people I tell ask about what happened when I found out I was pregnant. I would love to say that I handled it very gracefully, but that wasn’t really the case. It was completely unexpected, and it terrified me. I have always known that I wanted to have kids, but I never expected to have them this young, or without it being planned. There is really no one word to describe how I felt, it was a mixture of fear, happiness, shock, anxiety and several other emotions. The day I found out, I bought a pregnancy test because I didn’t want to worry over something that seemed so unlikely. I went to the store and bought the cheapest pregnancy test I could find. This was a mistake. When you are buying something like a pregnancy test, DO NOT buy the cheapest one at the store. I got one of those one line or two line tests, and one line showed up and the other line was so faint I couldn’t tell whether it was a line or not. The only thing that test was good for was inducing a state of panic and anxiety. Then I had to go through the agony of waiting until I could get another test that was actually readable. This is why I would also suggest buying two tests instead of one, because whether you are trying to get pregnant or not, you will want more than one test. I had to call my room-mate Casey because I did not think I was capable of driving. I told her I needed another test, and that I wanted one that said either “pregnant” or “not pregnant”. After taking one that said “pregnant” very clearly, I was convinced. Having a test that seemed so decisive actually worked to calm me down, and Casey and I were able to talk about it for a couple of hours, which really helped. Jordan was at work, so I took the time I had to plan out how I would tell him. I wanted to try to remain as calm as possible when I told him, and I really wanted to do it without crying. Unfortunately, that did not work out. I went to his house when he got off, and upon seeing him immediately burst into tears and blurted it out. Jordan ended up handling the news much better than I could have ever dreamed. I was a little concerned he didn’t understand at first, because after calming me down he and got up and said “Ok, well I am going to make some chicken parmesan, do you want some?” I think cooking was his way of taking time to process the news, and about halfway through the meal we started talking about it. Jordan was so supportive, and we found out that we were both excited and ready to take on a baby. Two days later we went to the doctor and found out that I was definitely pregnant, and then the planning began.
Telling friends and family: Jordan told his parents almost immediately and they were both thrilled. Jordan is the youngest of their three boys, and he turns 30 next month, so they have been waiting to be grandparents for a while. I waited until I was almost 14 weeks pregnant to tell my parents. My mom would always complain about how she wanted grandkids and how she would be so old by the time she gets any. I am pretty sure she thought she would be in her mid sixties by the time either me or Brenna had kids, and I kind of thought she would too. Telling my parents was hard because I knew they would worry about me. I knew my mom would ask me what I was planning on doing at work, what we would do for childcare, what I would do about the year-long apartment lease I had just signed, basically she would ask me all the questions I was asking myself. I wanted to take time to figure everything out so I felt prepared and had answers to some of these questions. After sub-leasing my apartment, moving in with Jordan, talking to HR at work, and researching several childcare options, I felt much better about breaking the news. I tried to think of a clever way to tell my parents, but I ended up just blurting it out like I did with Jordan. My parents both handled the news well, and I know they are really excited. My mom has already bought enough supplies to set up her own nursery, so I know she is expecting frequent visits. I have gradually been telling friends along the way, and it took me a while to feel ready to announce it to everyone. Then came the question of how to tell people. I didn’t want to call up people I don’t regularly talk to and say “Guess what? I’m pregnant!”, send a mass text, or announce it on Facebook. Since becoming pregnant I have started reading all kinds of mom and baby blogs and they are all really interesting. Although I am not as interesting or technologically savvy as most of the moms I read, I thought starting my own blog would be a great way announce the baby to everyone, keep people updated, post pictures and fun for me to look back on down the road.
Jordan and I are very excited about becoming parents! |
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